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Snuff and her hawkeye - hornpipe

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:07 pm
by leelo12345

did anybody has sheet music for "Snuff and her hawkeye" and would like to share it with me? Any formats are welcome.

Thanks in advance,



Re: Snuff and her hawkeye - hornpipe

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:20 pm
by george
Don't know about 'and her hawkeye' but Simon Frazer U Pipe Band plays The Snuff Wife

Bagpipe Reader:1.0







"Converted from BMW Dos file format to Bagpipe Reader 1.0 format using BMWFC32."

"The Snuff Wife",(T,L,0,0,Times New Roman,16,700,0,0,18,0,0,0)

"Jig",(Y,C,0,0,Times New Roman,14,400,0,0,18,0,0,0)

"",(M,R,0,0,Times New Roman,14,400,0,0,18,0,0,0)

"CYMRU",(F,R,0,0,Times New Roman,10,400,0,0,18,0,0,0)


& sharpf sharpc 6_8 I!'' LA_8
! thrd D_4 C_8 gg Br_8 dg LGl_8 eg Bl_8
! gg Br_8 dg LGl_8 eg Bl_8 gg Br_8 dg LGl_8 eg Bl_8
! D_4 C_8 gg Br_8 dg LGl_8 eg Bl_8
! gg LAr_8 dg LAl_8 eg LAl_8 C_4 strlg LA_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
! thrd D_4 C_8 gg Br_8 dg LGl_8 eg Bl_8
! gg Br_8 dg LGl_8 eg Bl_8 gg Br_8 Cl_8 Dl_8
! gg E_4 D_8 gg Cr_8 Bl_8 Cl_8
! gg LAr_8 dg LAl_8 eg LAl_8 dbc C_4 ''!I

& sharpf sharpc I!'' gg F_8
! B_4 D_8 gg Dr_8 Cl_8 Dl_8
! gg Br_8 Dl_8 strlg Dl_8 gg LGr_8 Dl_8 strlg Dl_8
! gg Cr_8 LAl_8 Cl_8 gg Br_8 LGl_8 Bl_8
! gg LAr_8 dg LAl_8 eg LAl_8 C_4 strlg LA_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
! B_4 D_8 gg Dr_8 Cl_8 Dl_8
! gg Br_8 Dl_8 strlg Dl_8 gg LGr_8 Bl_8 strlg Bl_8
! gg E_4 D_8 gg Cr_8 Bl_8 Cl_8
! gg LAr_8 dg LAl_8 eg LAl_8 gg D_4 ''!I

& sharpf sharpc
I!'' gg Er_8 Cl_8 LAl_8 gg Er_8 Cl_8 LAl_8
! gg Er_8 Cl_8 LAl_8 gg Er_8 Cl_8 El_8
! gg Fr_8 Dl_8 Fl_8 gg Er_8 Cl_8 El_8
! gg Dr_8 eg Dl_8 strlg Dl_8 gg Fr_8 El_8 Dl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
! gg Er_8 Cl_8 LAl_8 gg Er_8 Cl_8 LAl_8
! gg Er_8 Cl_8 LAl_8 gg Er_8 Fl_8 HGl_8
! dbha HAr_8 HGl_8 Fl_8 HGr_8 Fl_8 El_8
! gg Dr_8 eg Dl_8 strlg Dl_8 gg Fr_8 El_8 Dl_8 ''!I

& sharpf sharpc
I!'' gg Er_8 Fl_8 HGl_8 strf HGr_8 Fl_8 HGl_8
! strf HGr_8 Fl_8 HGl_8 strf HGr_8 Fl_8 HGl_8
! tg Fr_8 Dl_8 Fl_8 gg Er_8 Cl_8 El_8
! gg Dr_8 eg Dl_8 strlg Dl_8 gg Fr_8 El_8 Dl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
! gg Er_8 Fl_8 HGl_8 strf HGr_8 Fl_8 HGl_8
! strf HGr_8 Fl_8 HGl_8 strf HGr_8 Fl_8 HGl_8
! dbha HAr_8 HGl_8 Fl_8 HGr_8 Fl_8 El_8
! gg Dr_8 eg Dl_8 strlg Dl_8 gg Fr_8 El_8 Dl_8 ''!I