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SCAPA FLOW - Reel/Rant

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:29 pm
by david n. siegel
Lucky for me, our New Years is in the Autumn, and we don't celebrate 31st December. So, Sunday, the 1st of January is an ordinary work day here. Not being hungover, I wrote a reel.

It is hot off the press, not neccessarily "done," and I invite musical critique. I hasten to add that three Low A's in a row with G-D-E cuttings can never be totally "original," but I see this grouping as a Rant idiom. Hope there's something original here, and that I haven't made a complete idiom out of myself--or rather the tune.

The idea here was to compose a reel that is easy to play but sounds strong, and can be played cleanly and nearly up-to-speed by less experienced pipers. Only cuttings here, except for a few E doublings, and no really awkward note combinations.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:41 am
by MajikPipeR
Could you post a midi? I'm not too good at learning tunes straight from the music and I'm using a mac (which means no bww for me)..


Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:06 am
by mrzdavid
Nice one David! I like the rolling rhythm to it.