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Geordies Tune, as played by Denny and Dunipace

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:33 pm
by ste123
Does anyone have this one in bww or pdf pls?
Sorry- don't know composer

Re: Geordies Tune

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 12:56 pm
by george
Haven't heard that one, but is it also known as The Mucking of Geordie's Byre?

Bagpipe Music Writer Gold:1.0



"The Mucking of Geordie's Byre",(T,C,0,0,Times New Roman,18,700,0,0,18,0,0,0)
"March",(Y,L,0,0,Times New Roman,12,700,255,0,18,0,0,0)
"Traditional",(M,R,0,0,Times New Roman,12,700,255,0,18,0,0,0)
"",(F,R,0,0,Times New Roman,10,400,0,0,18,0,0,0)

& sharpf sharpc 6_8
I!'' gg LA_4 tar LA_8 gg LAr_16 dg LGl_8 'lg dg LAl_8
! thrd D_4 E_8 dbf F_4 HA_8
! strf HG_4 E_8 dbf F_4 D_8
! gg Er_8 'e Fl_16 Dl_8 gg Br_8 'b Cl_16 Dl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg LA_4 tar LA_8 gg LAr_16 dg LGl_8 'lg dg LAl_8
! thrd D_4 E_8 gg F_4 dbhg HG_8
! HAr_8 'hg Fl_16 Dl_8 gg Er_16 Fl_8 'f gg El_8
! thrd D_4 'd '1 gstd Dr_8 'd Cl_16 Bl_8 _' space '2 gstd D_4 _' ''!I

& sharpf sharpc I!'' gg Er_32 Fl_16 'f
! dbhg HG_4 grp HG_8 strf HGr_8 'hg HAl_16 HGl_8
! tg F_4 grp F_8 gg Fr_16 HAl_8 'ha Fl_8
! gg E_4 grp E_8 gg Er_8 'e Fl_16 HGl_8
! tg Fr_8 'f El_16 Dl_8 gg Br_8 'b Cl_16 Dl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg LA_4 tar LA_8 gg LAr_16 dg LGl_8 'lg dg LAl_8
! thrd D_4 E_8 gg F_4 dbhg HG_8
! HAr_8 'hg Fl_16 Dl_8 gg Er_16 Fl_8 'f gg El_8
! thrd D_4 'd '1 gstd D_4 _' space '2 gstd D_4 'd _' ''!I

Re: Geordies Tune

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 9:42 pm
by ste123
Hi George

No, its not.
Denny and Dunipace play it- second tune in their medley- on youtube ( at Dunbar few years ago and Edinburgh 2019)