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Robertson's Lament-------SENT

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 2:56 pm
by bigbilly1
Hi Guys, would anyone have a tune in BWW or PDF called "Robertson's Lament", Thanks in advance. Bill

Re: Robertson's Lament

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 12:26 pm
by george
Here it is

Bagpipe Music Writer Gold:1.0
"Robertson's Lament",(T,C,0,0,Arial,20,700,0,0,18,0,0,0)
"Alistair Reese",(M,R,0,0,Arial,12,700,255,0,18,0,0,0)

& sharpf sharpc
tg E_8 HA_4 'ha F_4
! gg E_8 C_4 'c gg Br_8 strlg LAl_8
! gg B_2 gg Cr_8 El_8
! gg C_8 eg ^ts B_8 B_2 ^te
! gg E_8 HA_4 'ha F_4
! gg E_8 C_4 'c eg Cr_8 El_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg F_4 'f HG_8 HAr_8 HGl_8
! tdbf F_2 'f
! gg E_8 C_4 'c gg Br_8 strlg LAl_8
! gg B_8 grp C_4 'c gg Cr_8 El_8
! tg E_8 HA_4 'ha F_4
! dbe E_2 gg Cr_8 eg LAl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg C_8 E_4 'e gg F_4
! gg C_8 eg B_4 'b gg LAr_8 Bl_8
! gg C_8 eg B_4 'b gg LA_4
! brl LA_2 'la
! gg C_8 eg LA_4 'la gg Cr_8 El_8
! gg F_8 HA_4 'ha Fr_8 HAl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
F_8 E_4 'e gg Cr_8 El_8
! gg F_2 'f
! gg C_8 eg LA_4 'la gg Cr_8 El_8
! gg F_8 HA_4 'ha F_4
! dbe E_4 'e C_8 gg Br_8 strlg LAl_8
! dbb B_2 'b
! gg E_8 C_4 'c gg Cr_8 El_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg F_8 HA_4 'ha F_4
! dbe E_4 'e C_8 gg Cr_8 El_8
! dbf F_2 'f
! gg C_8 E_4 'e gg F_4
! gg C_8 eg B_4 'b gg LAr_8 Bl_8
! gg C_8 eg B_4 'b strlg LA_4
! brl LA_2 'la !I

"Robertsons Lament 2nds",(I,L,0,0,Times New Roman,11,700,0,0,0,0,0,0)

& sharpf sharpc
gg C_8 F_4 'f thrd D_4
! gg C_8 eg LA_4 'la gg LGr_8 dg LAl_8
! gg LG_2 gg LAr_8 dg Cl_8
! gg LA_8 dg ^ts LG_8 LG_2 ^te
! gg C_8 F_4 'f thrd D_4
! gg C_8 eg LA_4 'la gg LAr_8 dg Cl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg D_4 'd E_8 gg Fr_8 El_8
! thrd D_2 'd
! gg C_8 eg LA_4 'la gg LGr_8 dg LAl_8
! gg LG_8 dg LA_4 'la eg LAr_8 dg Cl_8
! gg C_8 F_4 'f thrd D_4
! dbc C_2 gg LAr_8 dg LAl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg LA_8 dg C_4 'c thrd D_4
! gg LA_8 dg LG_4 'lg gg LAr_8 dg LGl_8
! gg LA_8 dg LG_4 'lg dg LA_4
! gg LA_2 'la
! gg LA_8 dg LA_4 'la eg LAr_8 dg Cl_8
! gg D_8 F_4 'f gg Dr_8 Fl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg D_8 eg C_4 'c gg LAr_8 dg Cl_8
! thrd D_2 'd
! gg LA_8 dg LA_4 'la gg LAr_8 dg Cl_8
! gg D_8 F_4 'f thrd D_4
! dbc C_4 'c eg LA_8 gg LGr_8 dg LAl_8
! gg LG_2 'lg
! gg C_8 eg LA_4 'la gg LAr_8 dg Cl_8 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg D_8 F_4 'f thrd D_4
! dbc C_4 'c eg LA_8 gg LAr_8 dg Cl_8
! thrd D_2 'd
! gg LA_8 dg C_4 'c thrd D_4
! gg LA_8 dg LG_4 'lg LAr_8 LGl_8
! gg LA_8 dg LG_4 'lg dg LA_4
! gg LA_2 'la !I

Re: Robertson's Lament

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 1:48 pm
by bigbilly1
Thanks George, All went well thanks to you, Bill

Re: Robertson's Lament

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:28 pm
by george
That's great Bill.