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Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 8:47 am
by Delgaty
Does anyone have a copy of Finlandia in BMW format please.

Thank You.

Re: Finlandia

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 4:45 am
by george
Bagpipe Music Writer Gold:1.0
"Jean Sebilius, 1865-1957",(M,R,0,0,Arial,12,700,255,0,18,0,0,0)

& sharpf sharpc
dg C_4 eg B_4 dg C_4
I!'' thrd D_2 'd gg C_4
! eg B_4 dg C_4 eg LA_4 'la B_8
! gg ^ts C_1
! C_4 ^te eg D_4 eg B_4 dg C_4 !t

& sharpf sharpc
thrd D_2 'd C_4
! eg B_4 dg C_4 eg LA_4 'la B_8
! gg ^ts C_1
! C_4 ^te E_4 gg E_4 ag E_4 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg F_2 'f C_4
! gg C_4 E_4 gg E_4 'e B_8
! gg B_4 thrd ^ts D_2 'd
! D_4 ^te cg D_4 dbc C_4 eg B_4 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg C_2 'c eg LA_4
! gg LA_4 dg B_4 eg B_4 'b dg C_8
! gg ^ts C_1
! C_4 ^te E_4 gg E_4 ag E_4 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg F_2 'f C_4
! gg C_4 E_4 dbe E_4 'e B_8
! gg B_4 thrd ^ts D_2 'd
! D_4 ^te cg D_4 dbc C_4 eg B_4
! gg C_2 'c eg LA_4 !t

& sharpf sharpc
gg LA_4 dg B_4 dbb B_4 'b LA_8
! '1 gbr ^ts LA_1
! LA_4 ^te dg C_4 eg B_4 dg C_4 _'
! '2 gbr ^ts LA_1
! LA_4 ^te brl LA_2 brl LA_4 _' ''!I